Gardening with Color in the Dog Days of Summer…


Evergold Grass And Ajuga

Evergold Grass & Ajuga Mix

As we start winding down to cooler temperatures, you’ll find that there is not much interest or color in  your  garden because of the dog days of summer.  Gardening with color is a challenge during those long hot summer days and can take a toll on your plantings.  A sure way of having color and contrast is by planting complementary colors.  Also add  plants that have different leaf shapes and sizes to create different textures and contrast in your garden.  Whether  you are working with a garden designer or conquering the unknown by yourself, here are some gardening combinations we have planted that will bring life back to your yard now, until frost.

Evergold Carex + Ajuga = Texture and color

This pair to the right is  Carex oshimensis ‘Evergold’(grass) and Ajuga ‘Chocolate Chip.‘  When  planted next to each other they look great because of the texture difference between the thin variegated foliage and the dark green and purple leaves.  I have them planted in a shady section and they really brighten up the area.  You will have year round interest with these two because they are evergreen.  In the spring, this combination is at its’ best when the Ajuga is blooming.  The blooms are a bright purple and they really pop with the yellow variegation of the Evergold Carex.

 Salvia + Sunflower Mix = Non-Stop Garden Color

Salvia and Sunflower

Salvia and Sunflower Mix

Annuals are always a good choice because most of

them are long blooming and last throughout the summer.  On the right is Salvia ‘Wendy’s Wish’ and a Sunflower mix are planted next to each other.  Wendy’s Wish is a great annual to plant in your yard because it is a non-stop color display and really stands out with bright pink flowers.  Salvia and sunflowers mixed are also a wonderful Hummingbird and Butterfly magnet.  One evening while watering my poor water stressed flower containers, I had three Hummingbirds fighting over it.  I was amazed over this display.   There are many new Salvia varieties available that are long blooming and perennials.  Also in this section of my garden I have Sunflowers that I planted from seed this spring.  They are a really great low maintenance annual that attracts Butterflies and gold finches later in the season after they have finished blo

oming. The sunflower seeds attract all of your different finches.

Royal Standard Hosta
Royal Standard Hosta

 Hosta + Sweetbox = A gardening touchdown!

Here is another example of different textures (to the left) of foliage and flowers that create a great grouping and work well in the shade also!  Here we have a Hosta ‘Royal Standard’, Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis, and Panicum virgatum ‘Heavy Metal’.  This Hosta is great with its’ fragrant flowers, lighter color foliage and large broad leaves.  It brightens up anydark corner.  The lighter color of the Hosta leaves stand out more because, in the foreground, you have the dark glossy leaves of the Sarcococca Sweetbox and the gray background created with the Heavy Metal Switch grass.

When designing or planting in

 a garden it is always good to think about your other plants you may already have, when it comes to adding in elements or that spur of the moment must have plant. Colors are always good to keep in mind create a more interesting landscape and for your own gardening getaway.



Happy Gardening!